Type of Vegetation to cut down
Before you start cutting, it helps to take the time to analyze your situation and come up with the most effective way to approach it. When it comes to brush clearing, the analysis simply addresses what type of vegetation you are dealing with. Is it a thick grassy brush or dense woody brush?Removing Grassy Brush
This type of brush is going to be the easier of the two to cut. It is mainly made up of grass with the occasional small woody stem. This type of brush is cut when you see the stereotypical jungle scene in a movie with Rambo or Indiana Jones wildly flinging their machetes in a parabola around their bodies. Don’t ever approach brush clearing like that, and instead opt for a calculated and safe approach until you gain the confidence necessary to swing it like a pro. If you have the luxury of choosing your brush clearing equipment, we recommend approaching this type of brush with a thin and light blade - possibly one with a sharpened edge on both sides for increased productivity.Cutting down Woody Brush
Woody brush is going to be more challenging to cut than grassy brush, but with the right tools and approach, you should be able to clear it out with minimal effort. Brushes of the woody variety consist of just that, small trees and bushy plants with wooded stems - this includes the dreaded briars. When you are dealing with this type of brush, you want to go with a machete that has a wider and thicker blade resulting in a heavier tool. You can achieve extra weight by choosing to go with a longer blade, but these are typically more dangerous to use, and they are harder to work with if you’re in an area with little clearance. This added weight works for you in this situation and serves to carry your swings through with more force.How to Clear Brush
Now that you have assessed the situation and know what kind of brush you are dealing with and what type of tool you will be wielding, it’s time to get clearing. Before you start swinging your machete, make sure that nobody is within 10 feet from you. This gives you plenty of time to stop working if you notice someone approaching.How to Hold Your Machete - Pinch Grip
How you hold your machete will make all the difference in the world in your brush clearing experience. Many newcomers to the machete opt for a death grip on the tool that quickly leads to exhaustion and blisters all over their hands. To prevent this, you need to adopt the pinch grip method of wielding the machete. This is when you focus all of your gripping power on the thumb, pointer, and middle fingers while allowing the hilt of the machete to move relatively freely between your palm and the remaining fingers. This grip will enable you to work longer by preventing fatigue and painful blisters, and it adds more power to the end of your swing.How to Swing Your Machete - Angle Cuts
When clearing brush, especially woody brush, you need to try and make sure your blade is set up to cut through the stems and branches at an